fall in love with at Zig Zag Sewing!

Sewing Machine, Quilting and Fabric Store in Newcastle NSW
Come and improve your sewing skills with our in-store sewing classes
Come in and view our full range of machines and patterns in store
Secure credit card payments processed by Stripe™ Payments Gateway
We are your number one supplier for sewing machines, quilting and fabrics in Newcastle NSW. Sewing has always been its own community, and at Zig Zag we enjoy being a big part of that. We love meeting new customers, having a chat with our regulars and catching up with ones we haven’t seen for ages, while offering a big, colourful and comfortable place for them to meet, shop and stitch with each other. We welcome newcomers to our classrooms with weekly sewing classes, offer a tremendous variety of quality sewing products in our store, happily give expert advice for even the trickiest questions, and most of all pride ourselves on our good old-fashioned friendly service and support.
If you are tired of sitting at home sewing on your own, or maybe just need a little inspiration to keep your creativity bubbling, then pop on in and say “hi”! Too far away to pop in? Drop us an email, pick up the phone, or follow us on Facebook. You’ll feel welcomed by our team, our atmosphere and our customers, because we always meet the nicest people at Zig Zag Sewing.